Saturday, September 27, 2008

46th minute 8th hour 11th day

”Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we will pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival nd success of Liberty” President John F. Kennedy

Our minds and hearts can’t be as far as we are from the September 11 event. It was one of the horrible things happened to humanity. It makes you ask same question again and again: what kind of person or idea could’ve done such hideous thing. It is like stabbing an innocent and unarmed person from the back. That is what happened that very day. In history it is going to be remembered as one of the WWII, one of the Holocausts of 21st century.

Unenthusiastically we question ourselves:” What went wrong that we as a society allowed this to happen?” Osama bin Laden didn’t became who he is overnight. Just like Germany didn’t turn Hitler into a “butcher” at once. We thought we were tolerant enough to diversity in color, race and nationality. On the other hand we missed the ideology side of the matter. 21st century is going to witness the rise of the ideologies if not the conflicts of them.

While we were too busy by individualizing ourselves, on the other side of the world Evil was far advanced in mass recruiting his “faithful servants”. We were building blocks around us to be happy in our “little world”. They were multiplying and spreading like cockroaches in dark basement. We call them radicals or extremist, but you know what so we are. Like in everything else individualism can be extreme too. There is Russian saying that one is not a warrior in a battlefield. Thomas Friedman in his book The World Is Flat says:” When the world goes flat – and you are feeling flattened – reach for a shovel and dig inside yourself. Don’t try to build walls”

We don’t want to loose our “comfort zones”. As humanity didn’t we do the same mistake after WWI? By punishing Germans we opened the door for Hitler and all dramatic events that followed him.

Our represented governments spend tremendous money on public safety and homeland security. We are trying to control people’s mind and behavior, but there are not much done to heal them. Imagine government subsidized movies similar to The Nativity Story and The World Trade Center.

I think it is time for us to establish God’s presence in our hearts and minds. In that case who knows we may not need anymore hall monitoring, several hours of customs checking in airports and train stations.

During Afghan war in 1980’s, I wish if we taught them not how to hold a weapon, but how to see the most merciful and loving God. We used godless methods against godless Soviet Union. Then why are we so surprised by 9/11 event, Madrid Bombing and London Train Station terror.

As Francis Fukuyama said in his book The End of History: The decline of community life suggests that in the future, we risk becoming secure and self absorbed last men, devoid of spiritual (thymotic) striving for higher goals in our pursuit of private comforts. But the opposite danger exist as well, namely, that we will return to being first men engaged in bloody and pointless prestige battles, only this time with modern weapons. Indeed, the two problems are related to one another, for the absence of regular and constructive outlets for megalospirituality may simply lead to its later resurgence in the extreme and pathological form.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


What if there wasn’t any Russian Revolution in 1917?

Perhaps Russia would be part of the Europe Union even before Greece or Spain. Or possible Russia could form Eastern (Asian) union as a reaction to EU. Also possibility if there were to be EU and AU, then USA would have to have stronger union on its own continent. Can you imagine North American Union or Trans-American Union? Definitely there would be much stronger global competition.

What if there wasn’t any American Revolution?

England would’ve possessed all Central America including Canada and Mexico. In that case there would be “more” United Kingdom. Because of England’s harsh policy and “elite “ideas it would definitely bring rest of the Europe under its dominion and unite whole Eastern block (aka Warsaw Pact countries) to one strong union. Australia would have to follow Asian policy because of its geographical position or “disposition”.

Perchance Africa could be battleground for multilateral Cold War. If Arab nations were able to get together, there would be a possibility they could bring under their own influence most of African nations.

Slavery could continue throughout the 21st century, unless “Asian Union” tried to free them. Asia never had a major slavery like West did.

For the very reason that unions have isolated policies, they would discover alternative energy. It is just like we don’t use tree woods for heating as we used to. World could witness to more variety cars made by variety countries. Just imagine driving Arabic cars named Seyyaretul’Mahmoud Accord. Every country would have to support its own companies; otherwise no business would be able to survive in this alternative harsh isolated global competition

Sunday, August 31, 2008


World was full of international organizations that were made by corporations. Countries made up supranational organizations. Traditional national citizenship wasn’t popular anymore. Everybody had more than a one citizenship. It was very usual to wake up next morning with another Union’s citizenship. The busiest people were lawyers and judges who had to interpret new laws everyday. Constitution was in history. Individuals were more independent than used to be. Most of jobs were done through internet.

It was obvious that something big and significant has had to happen. The gap between higher and lower classes was very deep. While wealthy people were traveling to the planet Mars, the opposite class was dying from poverty. People lost their hope and expectations. This was the end of all doctrines and ideologies. World tried and experienced everything that was possible.
Churches were united under their own denominational or non-denominational groups and were functioning like Merger Company. Because of the unstable worldwide political and economical area they had to produce their own incomes. Therefore they had to own retail stores, pharmacies, TV stations and newspaper publications.

No country had any dictators anymore. It was the time of super-integration and supra-globalization. International and supranational organizations were so strong that no one could stay away from the Club.

Despite all these political developments world wasn’t safe at all. Individual terrorism was spreading faster than ever. For that very reason authorities had to put screening devices in public transportations, stations, buildings and even every corner of streets.
Spreading of on-line shopping and jobs made hackers priority for the Homeland Security. Interpol became the most demandable organization.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Trashman's Servant

I am a Trashman's servant. Most of times I dream of going with Him to neighborhoods to collect trash. He has that smiling face for which you would give whole your life and that passion for his job that you would think that this is the best job in the entire world. If anyone puts their trash outside of their door I try to check them out before He does otherwise He won't let me have them. Some people would put their trash bags outside of their door or yard, but unfortunately some would prefer carry themselves. He would get sad by seeing how people were trying to drag those huge bags on the ground or carry on their backs. Often times when they drag, bags would tear off and small pieces of all kind of trash would fell off the holes and the nastiest smell would come out. The situation would look very embarracing. Then He runs to help to collect the trash from the ground, hoping that He can have the rest of the trash bag. We would get to see all kinds of neighborhoods. Some neighborhoods even though they look nice and pretty would make you feel empty, whereas other neighborhoods would give you a joy and peace even though they were poor and simple.

At the end of the day we pile trash to the same place close to neighborhood and then He takes them to the Hill where I am not allowed to to go. He carries them until the sunset.

One day I was curious to see what was going on the Hill. What I saw was the most heartbreaking scene I could ever imagine. He was sitting in the middle of the all opened trash bags and no matter what it was He was eating them piece by piece. He was swallowing them like a pelican swallows the fish. If He find big long nail, He would swallow that too. His mouth would bleed and his body would writhe from sharp pain. Then with tears in his eyes He would cty out saying: "Forgive them Father, because they know not what they do".

The next morning we were in a new neighborhood. Last night I could hardly get my sleep from being excited about every New Day. Eventhough He was very tired and exhausted beautiful smile on his bright face was irreplaceable. First of all He shakes my hand with his huge strong and confident hands and then He gives me a big hug like a cool ocean breeze flows through my body. While we are walking to places He tells me interesting stories about his Father. In return I would tell him my own childhood stories.

So we were picking up bags as usual. Some people would give their bags voluntarily, but some would give up at all. After walking several blocks something unusual has happened. When I was about to grab one of those bags, I saw his gentle hands taking it from me. I started holding it tighter and let Him know that I got it. But He was more persistent than I was. I should admit that I haven't seen Him in this peculiar way, like He was uncomfortable of something. After several moments of "battling" over the bag, it has gotten torn apart. Several familiar to me things fell off the bag. I felt like my private suitcase opened and rolled down in the middle of the JFK airport. I was very emarrased but He was embarrace more than I was. After standing and looking at each other in a silence, He wispered to me: "I got it".

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Journey To The New World

I had been waiting for this moment for a whole year. It took me that much time to do my paperwork. God knows how many nights I couldn't sleep from being worried over the matter. Especially on the day before my interview with the American Embassy officer, I hardly ate or drank anything and could not sleep at all. Once I was inside of the embassy building, all I could do was to pray. Seeing other people turned away with their passports in their hands freightened me immensely. Finally, they announced my name, and I walked to the narrow path to the check-in booth. It reminded me so much of the movie "Dead Man Walking" when the prisoner walked that long hall leading to his death. Ironically, my malk wasn't to a death penalty, but rather to obtain my "ticket to heaven." After questioning my background, the officer inquired about the purpose of my visit to America.

"Education," I answered.

"Can't you get your education in here?" he questioned.

"I can, but I am majoring in International Relation, so I would like to learn English in an English- -speaking country," I replied.

"Then why don't you go to England?" he retorted.

"I've heard that Americans are friendlier and more tolerable to visitors than Englishmen," I nervously replied.

He smerked at me and kept my passport. Did this mean that I had passed the iterrogatio? yes! I felt as if I was the happiest and luckiest person on Earth. I was going to get to see The New World.

One week later, I recieved my passport, complete with an American visa, which looked like a dollar. I bought my plane ticket for a flight from Istanbul with connections to Amsterdam and then on to Atlanta, Georgia. When the time came for me to leave, I packed my suitcase and took a taxi to the airport. I was so excited about my new journey. I felt as light as a feather! I was walking on air! I packed everything I owned. Unfortunately, because of the weight limit, I had to leave the majority of my belongings with my roommates. On the way to the airport, I was already dreaming of my new life on another continent.

Everything went smoothly at Istanbul International Airport, but on arrival to Amsterdam, things drastically changed. The Amsterdam airport was smaller and stricter than the Istanbul airport. Impatiently, I stood in line in the third checkpoint lane. When my turn finally came, I handed my passport and flight ticket to the officer. He observed my documents very carefully and examined my passport over and over again. Finally he said, "Your pasport doesn't have an expiration date. Every passport should have an expiration date, no exceptions!" Slam! I was in shock.

"I have been in different countries and never had any problem."

"We can not allow you to cross the Holland," he told me in a harsh tone and then directed me to a waiting area on the left.

This wasn't happening to me! How could i have come so far with so far yet to go?

Several minutes later, two officers took me into a little room that reminded of iterrogation room for war crime "prisoners"; iron tables, iron chairs and no windows. While they carefully scrutinized my documents, I went to my "inner world" and was talking to myself.

"I wish if I had chosen Air France instead of Northwest Airlines."

"But it was much more expensive, David," I replied to myself.

"It is going to be OK no matter what," I tried to convince myself.

Suddenly a voice interrupted my "conversation."

"You are going back where you came from or you can contact your embassy - those are your only two choices," he charged.

I was so disappointed that I started crying out to God for help and guidance. For the next five or ten minutes, I contemplated a possible solution. Then from out of nowhere, a gentleman approached me. He was a middle-aged man, dressed in civilian clothing, and was wearing an ID badge. Eventhough he didn't look like an officer, I knew he worked for the Amsterdam Airport.

"Problema?" he asked me in a universal language.

"Problema," I answered.

I immediately recognized a Russian accent Could it be that this officer was also a fellow countryman? I soon found out that he was a Russian with Holland citizenship. He took me to his manager and explained the entire situation. Thanks to this friendly officer, they stopped the plane that was about to take off. Many apologies followed our conversation with the other immigration officers. I was so thankful that everything was okey again. My dream, it seemed, was to finally become a reality. I was coming to America!

Written on 10/07/2006

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Post-Modern Slavery

The feudal regime, which dpended on a land and semi-free slavory system, collapsed and changed into another regime: Capitalism. Capital was more based on capital and mobile human resources. In feudalism land belongs to the Church or the King, whereas in capitalism it belongs to an individual owner. Nothing is static, everything is mobile and in progress; workers, machines, tools and knowledge. Industrialization, first modern cities and importance of time appear in that period. They, who have a capital, which was brought from oversees through colonization and exploitaton, are going to build industries. Imagine thousands of manufacturing plants with giant pips through which continuously comes a mass of black smoke. Inside of this plants thousands of people are working days and nights including children and the elderly. in addition, more people are waiting outside for work. If one of workers dies inside, someone from the outside has the right to work. Perhaps those outside are praying for the death of those inside. Most of those workers don't have any accomodations and their health conditions aren't good enough to work. As soon as they get their farthing from the "new owner" they go to market, where prices rise everyday, to buy a piece of bread to be able to work tomorrow. All of these happened near half a century ago.

21st century. Thousands of Giant Mergers and Monopolies are rising from the horizone with ......... speed. They don't have anymore huge plants with big pipes and thousands of struggling employees. They are more intelligent and powerful. In fact they don't have to be busy with unemployment outside because Government is going to deal with it. Mr. Monster-Capitalist has a clean, modern, and vary comfortable office where he can count his money, that smells of the blood of victim-employees, who lost their jobs, accidentally died or quit their jobs for any circumstances. Moreover, they hire people with high quality. And there are some "standards" they require: flexibility, teamwork and speed. You have to be like them, you have to breath like them, eat, sleep and of course think like them. What happened to people who stayed outside and asked for work 400 years ago? Unfortunately they are still outside, but now they are their graet-grand children. Before they were unemployed because of overpopulation, but now they don't have an appropriate skills. How can they have "the appropriate skill" when there is no equal opportunity in education, medication and nutrition.

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Father

Like most fathers my father cares about his family a lot. I can't remember him going anywhere by himself, except to work. He always was taking one of my brothers or me with him. Even if he was working weekends he would take me to work. He had a huge office and I could play however I wish. Indeed in every moment of my life I can remember my father. I thought that world spans around my father. When I was in kindergarten my father would pick me up everyday.
Now my father is 65 years old. He is retiered five years ago. He is tall and broadshouldered, has light brown skin color, short balck and white hair, wide face, wide lips and big eyebrows. When he is walking he has a very big pace. So my mother sometimes calls him "ostrich' or "camel".

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hard Times

Year 1991. It was like a big thunderstorm was laid on our motherland USSR. People didn't know wat was going on. Everybody was in panic; TV wasn't enertaining anymore, streets were empty; no people, no dogs and cats on, like everything was asleep. First of all, our home, like the whole country turned into a cemetery. In front of TV people were witnessing their own end, as a murederer witnessing his own death penalty. On TV the General Secretary of the Central Committy of the Communist Party Mikhail Gorbachev, was the first who excluded his own membership from the Party. Everyone was dissappointed of that event. Meanwhile, the eceonomy went down, inflation was at a high level. For the first time in my lifetime i saw an American dollar. Before it was forbidden for us. At the same time markets and shops were empty. There was nothing to buy and eat. We were lucky to have our own land and livestock; cows, sheep and chicken. We were planting tomatoes, potatoes and other kind of vegetables. We really didn't need to go shopping, but for those who were living in city it was difficult. They were coming to my neighbors to buy eggs, milk vegetables. We didn't sell, but if we had moor my father was giving it to them for free. On the other hand, in political aspects all 15 republics annaunced their independence. Furthermore, these "independent" countries immidiately started building relationships with the Western capitalist world. Everything was privatizing; shops, manufactures, cinema, theatres, even buses and taxis.

Year 1993. Now my father found God and was very happy, so was I. For the first time in my life I saw an advertisement. It was big poster of Coca-Cola. I could hear the sound of steps of Capitalism. I should've known it. Moreover I was interrupted in high school and was sent to the eastern wing of the western world, Turkey, to "wash" my communist brain. My dear teacher Galina Ivanovna told me that I have to become contemporary and modern. I was confused because as I knew the Soviet people were the most modern, intelligent and contemporary people in the whole world. Probably I was wrong. My family and I wanted our previous life back. But everything was changing so fast that everyday we were farther and farther from the hope. During those hard times I learned how to survive and live by myself. I was becoming more realistic and didn't expect anything from anybody, except myself.

Year 1996. By the time I graduated from the high school in the capital city of Turkey, I learned that the Soviet Union was utopia and I was in a dream. The words in my mind like "proletariat", working calss, Marxism, Socialism, Leninism were changed by words like democracy, human rights, political parties and elections.

Thus I have had variation time in my life. I was always feeling like an orphan who didn't know where to go and what to believe. But know I am very happy that all happened. Otherwise I would be like a chick that couldn't break the shell. So I am not really looking back to my past, because it is like dreaming and never waking up.

Written on 11/17/2003