Saturday, September 20, 2008


What if there wasn’t any Russian Revolution in 1917?

Perhaps Russia would be part of the Europe Union even before Greece or Spain. Or possible Russia could form Eastern (Asian) union as a reaction to EU. Also possibility if there were to be EU and AU, then USA would have to have stronger union on its own continent. Can you imagine North American Union or Trans-American Union? Definitely there would be much stronger global competition.

What if there wasn’t any American Revolution?

England would’ve possessed all Central America including Canada and Mexico. In that case there would be “more” United Kingdom. Because of England’s harsh policy and “elite “ideas it would definitely bring rest of the Europe under its dominion and unite whole Eastern block (aka Warsaw Pact countries) to one strong union. Australia would have to follow Asian policy because of its geographical position or “disposition”.

Perchance Africa could be battleground for multilateral Cold War. If Arab nations were able to get together, there would be a possibility they could bring under their own influence most of African nations.

Slavery could continue throughout the 21st century, unless “Asian Union” tried to free them. Asia never had a major slavery like West did.

For the very reason that unions have isolated policies, they would discover alternative energy. It is just like we don’t use tree woods for heating as we used to. World could witness to more variety cars made by variety countries. Just imagine driving Arabic cars named Seyyaretul’Mahmoud Accord. Every country would have to support its own companies; otherwise no business would be able to survive in this alternative harsh isolated global competition